How many languages can you learn at the same time? -- Ghanaian babies grow up speaking two to six languages
Humpback Whales Sing the Way Humans Speak
Life satisfaction measurement tool provides robust information across nations, genders, ages, languages - EurekAlert
Plants 'Talk' to One Another in Languages We Might Soon Translate
What’s new in Google Translate: More than 100 new languages -- "We’ve heard your ask for more languages and we are thrilled to announce we’re adding 110 new languages to Translate."
NCCN commits to sharing award-winning resources for people with cancer in Spanish and other languages - EurekAlert
For people who speak many languages, there's something special about their native tongue
AI chatbot models ‘think’ in English even when using other languages
New study unveils emotional hubs that exist across languages
Bilingual Minds, Sharper Focus: The Cognitive Benefits of Speaking Two Languages
Indigenous Mexicans migrated to California 5,200 years ago, likely bringing their languages with them, ancient DNA reveals — The research challenges the idea that languages from prehistoric Mexico spread along with maize farming in California.
The Battle of Tongues: When Languages Collide, Which Survives?
When languages collide, which survives?
Study: All Languages around the World Have Words for ‘This’ and ‘That’
Why all languages have words for 'this' and 'that'