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Genetics, not lack of oxygen, causes cerebral palsy in quarter of cases

As people have more difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction in the U.S., they are more likely to feel news fatigue and avoid news altogether, according to a University of Michigan study. More than an unintentional avoidance because of lack of media exposure, the researchers say people actively

Lack of US bird flu tracking in cows may raise risk of human infection

Lack of Focus Doesn’t Equal Lack of Intelligence — It’s Actually Proof of an Intricate Brain

Scientists Discover Connection Between Lack of Visual Imagination and Long-Term Memory

Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence -- it's proof of an intricate brain

Long-term memory and lack of mental images

Endometriosis takes 6 years to be diagnosed due to a lack of awareness

Study: International scientists believe lack of women in physics tied to personal preference, but viewpoint ignores gender norms

New Study: Lack of Financial Planning Linked to Higher Risk of Death

Caregivers Worry About a Lack of Resources for Long-term Care

Lack of SLS rockets limit NASA Artemis manifest -

Lack of maternal care affects development, microbiome and health of wild bees

Lack of maternal care found to affect development, microbiome and health of wild bees

Lack of evidence hampers progress on corporate-led ecosystem restoration