
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the national measurement standards laboratory of the United Kingdom.

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Laboratory for Laser Energetics to Lead New Inertial Fusion Energy Research Hub

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and DARPA want to fix your PDFs. Here's how.

Secrets of Stellar Matter Under Extreme Pressure in the Laboratory Revealed for the First Time

Alli Smith, of the Cornell Ornithology Laboratory, offers beginner tips for exploring the wide world of birds.

Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration. It uses buoyancy force to enable roving along the underside of the ice. The robotic submersible could one day explore ice-covered oceans on moons like Europa and Enceladus. Photos from NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA’s IXPE Uses Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula as an Extreme Astrophysics Laboratory

Full 3D simulation of the Chelyabinsk meteor breakup in Earth’s atmosphere (Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

The mechanism of cosmic magnetic fields explored in the laboratory

In A Rare Occurrence, Deep Sea Octopus Eggs Hatch In San Diego Laboratory

The Black Hole Started to Glow when Scientists Created it in Laboratory - The Science World

All Is Not Well at NASA's JPL | A review of the upcoming Psyche mission found a host of issues with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, resulting in the delay of a completely unrelated mission.

China space station is close to completion as the Mengtian laboratory module has been successfully launched

AI predicts physics of future fault-slip in laboratory earthquakes

I added JPL (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory ) jobs to the space job board!

NASA Awards Laboratory Support Services Contract

International Space Station: Facts about the orbital laboratory

China adds new science laboratory to its space station

China prepares to launch laboratory module to Tiangong space station

Bat Virus Studies Raise Questions About Laboratory Tinkering

Breast duct treatment for early breast cancer eliminates all signs of disease in laboratory experiments