
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the national measurement standards laboratory of the United Kingdom.

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75 Laboratory-Classified Meteorites Traced to Their Parent Asteroids in Main Belt

HonorHealth Research Institute opens laboratory for its new Center for Translational Science - EurekAlert

Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the Univer - EurekAlert

Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms. Researchers have created biohybrid robots using an unexpected component, not from the laboratory, but from the forest floor: fungal mycelium.

Elusive predicted water structure created in the laboratory - EurekAlert

Meet the Flower Designer Who Built a Laboratory In His Home

Matter/Antimatter Black Hole Jets Recreated in CERN’s Laboratory

Perceptions and Opinions Regarding Laboratory-Grown Meat (Cultured Meat): A Study among Vegan and Vegetarian Consumers

NASA researchers bid farewell to 'flying laboratory' at Ames Research Center

Laser printing on fallen tree leaves produces sensors for medical and laboratory use - EurekAlert

Laboratory for Laser Energetics to Lead New Inertial Fusion Energy Research Hub

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and DARPA want to fix your PDFs. Here's how.

Secrets of Stellar Matter Under Extreme Pressure in the Laboratory Revealed for the First Time

Alli Smith, of the Cornell Ornithology Laboratory, offers beginner tips for exploring the wide world of birds.

Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration. It uses buoyancy force to enable roving along the underside of the ice. The robotic submersible could one day explore ice-covered oceans on moons like Europa and Enceladus. Photos from NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA’s IXPE Uses Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula as an Extreme Astrophysics Laboratory

Full 3D simulation of the Chelyabinsk meteor breakup in Earth’s atmosphere (Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

The mechanism of cosmic magnetic fields explored in the laboratory

In A Rare Occurrence, Deep Sea Octopus Eggs Hatch In San Diego Laboratory

The Black Hole Started to Glow when Scientists Created it in Laboratory - The Science World