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Epic images show old mines transformed into a library, lab and museum

'We can't answer these questions': Neuroscientist Kenneth Kosik on whether lab-grown brains will achieve consciousness

Morals are key to consumer views on lab-grown meat, study finds

Britain Approves Lab-Grown Meat for Pet Food

Lab-Grown Meat for Pets Was Just Approved in the UK

From lab to real life: innovative approaches to precision medicine - EurekAlert

Lab develops smallest free-floating bubbles for medical imaging

Lab-Grown Meat Is Getting Closer to Tasting Like Real Beef

Are Lab-Grown Brains Ethical? According to Scientists, There Is No No-Brainer Answer

Artificial flavours released by cooking aim to improve lab-grown meat

Lab-grown human brain tissue used to control robot

Lab-grown muscles reveal mysteries of rare muscle diseases

Lab-grown muscles reveal mysteries of rare muscle diseases - EurekAlert

Mini-Universe in a Lab: Creating “Cosmic Fireballs” on Earth

Lab achieves major gains in perovskite solar cell stability

Pair plasmas found in deep space can now be generated in the lab

Pair plasmas found in deep space can now be generated in the lab - EurekAlert

Lab-grown 'mini-guts' could help in development of new and more personalized treatments for Crohn's disease

ROC Stars: Air Force seeks more firms for cargo delivery via rocket | AFRL's fiscal 2025 budget plans show that the lab hopes to complete testing of the capability to air-drop cargo pallets down from Starship during FY25

From lab to life: 3D bioprinting unveils new horizons in biomedical applications - EurekAlert