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Getting wild mosquitoes back to the lab alive takes a custom backpack

‘We Will Save Our Beef’: Florida Bans Lab-Grown Meat

Aligned peptide 'noodles' could enable lab-grown biological tissues

Florida’s Beef with Lab-Grown Meat Is Evidence-Free

Physicists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab. Then It Began to Glow.

Scientists trigger mini-earthquakes in the lab

Neuroscientists Create Human Brain-Mimicking Tissues in Lab

Testing drugs on mini-cancers in the lab may reveal best treatment

Are lab-grown brain tissues ethical? There is no no-brainer answer

Lab-grown 'minibrains' help reveal why traumatic brain injury raises dementia risk

Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab With Vibrating Molecules

Breaking: Emerging Evidence Suggests COVID-19 Originated in a Lab

States Are Lining Up to Outlaw Lab-Grown Meat

Jupiter’s stormy surface replicated in lab

Scientists Create Elephant Stem Cells in the Lab

This Lab Turned Their COVID Success Into a Cancer-Fighting Mission – Here’s How

Lab-grown liver organoid to speed up turtle research, making useful traits easier to harness

'Like a lab in your pocket' -- new test strips raise game in gene-based diagnostics

Mini model of human embryonic brain and spinal cord grown in lab

Lab-made atoms hint at heavy metals’ cosmic origins