Kuiper Belt

The Kuiper belt () is a circumstellar disc in the outer Solar System, extending from the orbit of Neptune at 30 astronomical units (AU) to approximately 50 AU from the Sun.

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Hubble Telescope discovers a new '3-body problem' puzzle among Kuiper Belt asteroids (video)

What’s Lurking in the Kuiper Belt? NASA’s Unexpected New Discovery

More Evidence that the Kuiper Belt is Bigger Than We Thought

More Evidence that the Kuiper Belt is Bigger Than We Thought

New "sugar world" discovered in Kuiper Belt

Arrokoth and Other Kuiper Belt Objects Contain Pristine Ices, Study Suggests

Arrokoth the 'space snowman' and other Kuiper Belt objects may be packed with ancient ice

The Kuiper Belt is Much Bigger Than We Thought

The Kuiper Belt is Much Bigger Than We Thought

Our solar system map may need an update — the Kuiper belt could be way bigger

NASA's New Horizons Discovered a Large Surprise in The Kuiper Belt

Kuiper Belt May Be Much Larger than Previously Estimated

How Many Planets Could Be in the Kuiper Belt?

Deep into the Kuiper Belt, New Horizons is still doing science. Designed to study Pluto, the spacecraft’s instruments are being repurposed.

From the Abyss of Space: Webb Observes 3 Dwarf Planets in the Kuiper Belt

JWST Observes the Kuiper Belt: Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar

JWST Observes the Kuiper Belt: Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar

Mound Mysteries in the Kuiper Belt: Shared Origin of Arrokoth’s Giant Structures?

Kuiper Belt Object Arrokoth’s Large Mounds Have Common Origin, New Study Suggests

Large mound structures on Kuiper belt object Arrokoth may have common origin