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Post-LLM era: New horizons for AI with knowledge, collaboration, and co-evolution - EurekAlert
Trump Denied Knowledge of Project 2025—Now His Health Care Plans Follow It Closely
UCF Researchers Advance Knowledge About Juvenile Sea Turtles' Early Life Stage
Cases of whooping cough growing, but knowledge about it is lacking - EurekAlert
Chimps Share Knowledge like Humans Do, Spurring Innovation
Improving intrapartum care through knowledge and advocacy - EurekAlert
A new generation of telescopes will probe the 'unknown unknowns' that could transform our knowledge of the universe
Training medical AI with knowledge, not shortcuts - EurekAlert
The Light of Knowledge: Hubble’s Stunning New View Into the Reticulum
The Knowledge We Don’t Yet Have
The Knowledge We Don't Yet Have
Increasing clinicians' knowledge about climate change's impact on health and healthcare sustainability
When is too much knowledge a bad thing?
Global database reveals large gaps in our knowledge of four-footed animals - EurekAlert
Trust, more than knowledge, critical for acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles
Ripe for knowledge: Unraveling the genetic ties of banana softening - EurekAlert
Secrets of sargassum: Scientists advance knowledge of seaweed causing chaos in the Caribbean and West Africa
Secrets of sargassum: Scientists advance knowledge of seaweed causing chaos in the Caribbean and West Africa - EurekAlert
New report 'braids' Indigenous and Western knowledge for forest adaptation strategies against climate change