
A United Kingdom is a 2016 biographical romantic drama film directed by Amma Asante and written by Guy Hibbert, based on the true-life romance of Seretse Khama, heir to the throne of the Bangwato Tribe in Serowe – one of many tribes found in then Bechuanaland Protectorate –, with his wife Ruth Williams Khama.

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A Celestial Colossus: Peering Into Jupiter’s Kingdom of Moons and Storms

'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' reinvigorates an aging 'Apes' franchise (review)

Everything we know about 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes'

Smart simians stare at the stars in 1st 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' teaser (video)

Pioneering research sheds surprising new light on evolution of plant kingdom

A look into the REM dreams of the animal kingdom

First Side-Necked Turtle Ever Discovered in United Kingdom

Could the floating islands in 'The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom' exist?

‘Building blocks of language’ found across animal kingdom

The animal kingdom never ceases to amaze

Sabaean Inscription Points to Connections between King Solomon’s Israel and Kingdom of Sheba