Intelligence and kindness are the most valued traits in romantic partners, study finds
A New Neil Armstrong Film Makes One Giant Leap for Kindness | At the Smithsonian
Small acts of kindness are frequent and universal, study finds
In a 6 week intervention, participants gave up alcohol and processed food, practiced gratitude and kindness, and did an hour of exercise and mindfulness every day. The results show immense improvements in physical and mental health measures.
Kids judge Alexa smarter than Roomba, but say both deserve kindness
Kindness Can Have Unexpectedly Positive Consequences
Feeling Depressed? Scientists Have Found That Performing Acts of Kindness May Help
Feeling depressed? Performing acts of kindness may help
Random acts of kindness make a bigger splash than expected
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy benefits people with depression through promoting self-kindness
How university students understand and demonstrate kindness