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First-of-Its-Kind Discovery: Early Macular Degeneration Signs Can Predict Vision Loss

Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Gut Microbes Linked to Type 2 Diabetes

A First-of-Its-Kind Signal Was Detected in Human Brains

These 3D model brains with cells from several people are first of their kind

'1st of its kind': NASA spots unusually light-colored boulder on Mars that may reveal clues of the planet's past

'1st of its kind': NASA spots unusually light-colored boulder on Mars that may reveal clues of the planet's past

First-of-Its-Kind Test Can Predict Dementia up to Nine Years Before Diagnosis

UC San Diego develops first-in-kind protocol for creating 'wired miniature brains' - EurekAlert

First-of-its-kind test can predict dementia up to nine years before diagnosis

Scientists Discover First-of-Its-Kind Molecule That Absorbs Greenhouse Gasses

What Kind of Battery Would You Need to Power a Lightsaber?

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Hits the Mark – “This Is the Kind of Rock We Had Hoped To Find”

Rock Sampled by NASA’s Perseverance May Have Formed In An Ancient Lake - 'This Is The Kind Of Rock We Had Hoped to Find'

There Are Two Spiders in This Picture, And It Could Be a First of Its Kind

First-of-Their-Kind Pics Capture The Moment a Seal Spat at a Swooping Eagle

Cretaceous Enantiornithine Bird Was First of Its Kind with Toothless Beak

Worm-like amphibian produces a kind of milk for its hatchlings

Fossil named 'Attenborough's strange bird' was the first in its kind without teeth

A Lone Orca Killed a Great White Shark in First Documented Attack of Its Kind

First-of-Its-Kind Experiment Confirms The Best Cannabis Compound For Anxiety