key role

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Coral diseases and water quality play a key role for coral restoration and survival efforts - EurekAlert

Study uncovers key role of RNA modifications in prostate cancer progression - EurekAlert

Revealing the key role of soil micro-food web complexity in agricultural productivity - EurekAlert

Fusion for the future: Nuclear lab plays key role in testing a crucial technology - EurekAlert

Bats play a key role in combating rice pests in Southeast Asia - EurekAlert

Bats play a key role in combating rice pests in Southeast Asia

Fighting experience plays key role in brain chemical's control of male aggression

Fighting Crime Without Cops: New Report Shows Key Role of Streetscape

SLAC will play a key role in DOE’s new research centers for advancing next-generation microelectronics - EurekAlert

New insight into brain stability: the key role of NMDA receptors - EurekAlert

In greening Arctic, caribou and muskoxen play key role

Gut microbes play a key role in regulating stress responsiveness throughout the day, research finds - EurekAlert

Gut microbes play a key role in regulating stress responsiveness throughout the day, research finds

Scientists Discover Rain's Key Role Supporting Early Life on Earth

Scientists unveils key role of “selfish DNA” in early human development - EurekAlert

Breakthrough in Sleep Science: Melatonin’s Key Role in REM Sleep Revealed

Dream discovery: Melatonin's key role in REM sleep revealed

A team of scientists from University College London has discovered that nighttime sleep plays a key role in resetting the brain, allowing neural connections to rest and regenerate

Earthquake-Induced Piezoelectricity Plays Key Role in Formation of Large Gold Nuggets: Study

Novel motion simulator reveals key role of air flow in rodent navigation - EurekAlert