Even More Planets Were Hiding in Kepler’s Fields

420 Years Ago: Astronomer Johannes Kepler Observes a Supernova

These 17th-century drawings of the sun by Kepler add fire to solar cycle mystery

These 17th-century drawings of the sun by Kepler add fire to solar cycle mystery

Kepler Sketched the Sun in 1607. Astronomers Pinpointed the Solar Cycle

Kepler's 1607 pioneering sunspot sketches solve solar mysteries 400 years later

Kepler’s 1607 pioneering sunspot sketches solve solar mysteries 400 years later - EurekAlert

Kepler’s 1607 pioneering sunspot sketches solve solar mysteries 400 years later - EurekAlert

Orbits and Kepler’s Laws

More Planets than Stars: Kepler’s Legacy

Johannes Kepler: Everything you need to know

Exoplanet Excitement: Kepler Reveals a Sizzling System With Seven Super-Earths

Old Data from Kepler Turns Up A System with Seven Planets

Scorching, Seven-Planet System Revealed by New Kepler Exoplanet List

Kepler predicted that Venus' diameter is almost a quarter of the Sun's diameter, so Mercury should have a tenth of the Sun's diameter. Pierre Gassendi saw the true size of Mercury in 1631 during its transit across the Sun, and was surprised by how small it was as it looked like a sunspot

Astronomers Discover the Last Three Planets NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope Observed Before Going Dark

Kepler’s last planet discoveries: two new planets and one single-transit candidate from K2 campaign 19 | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

NASA's Kepler telescope discovered 2 mini-Neptune exoplanets just before dying

The Kepler Mission’s Final Three Planets?

Final Act for NASA’s Kepler Planet Hunter: Unearthing a Triad of Alien Worlds