
A jet pack, rocket belt, or rocket pack is a device worn on the back which uses jets of gas or liquid to propel the wearer through the air.

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Zap! A Black Hole Scores a Direct Hit With its Jet

Seeing a black hole's jet in a new light

SpaceX's Starlink internet flies on a Boeing 777 jet for the 1st time

First-Ever Sighting: Neutron Star’s Bizarre “Garden Sprinkler” Jet Captured

Bizarre 'garden sprinkler-like' jet is spotted shooting out of neutron star

At the heart of this distant galaxy lies not 1, but 2 jet-blasting black holes

Satellites observed for the first time the smaller black hole of a black hole pair at the centre of the galaxy OJ 287. The smaller black hole was revealed by a sudden burst of brightness when it "swallowed" a large slice of the accretion disk surrounding the larger one, turning it into a jet of gas.

Jet-propelled sea creatures could improve ocean robotics

Tech Today: A NASA-Inspired Bike Helmet with Aerodynamics of a Jet

Chasing the Shadow: NASA’s Jet-Fueled Quest for Solar Secrets

Black hole at center of Milky Way may be blasting out a jet

Jet-Powered Cicada Urination Redefines the Rules of Fluid Dynamics

You could win a chance to watch 2024's total solar eclipse from a jet. Here's how

Mystery of Jupiter's Great Blue Spot deepens with strangely fluctuating jet

Sprinting 'like a jet' will produce Premier League strikers of tomorrow, study shows

69 Megajoules: JET Sets Fusion Energy World Record

The Event Horizon Telescope Zooms in on a Black Hole's Jet

British nuclear fusion reactor JET creates a new record for global energy output

“Lightsaber” jet extracts energy from the first black hole imaged by humanity

M87's Jet is Triggering Novae