InSight Lander

Breaking Bad is a neo-Western crime drama franchise created by American filmmaker Vince Gilligan, primarily based on the television series Breaking Bad (2008–13), its prequel/sequel series, Better Call Saul (2015–22), and its sequel film, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019).

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NASA’s InSight Lander Fades Into Mars Dust: Final Images Unveiled

Mars’ Hidden Depths: NASA’s InSight Lander Unmasks the Red Planet’s Liquid Core

Scientists hail scientific legacy of NASA's Mars InSight lander

NASA Formally Retires Mars InSight Lander 4 Years After Its Arrival on Red Planet

See The Final Images From NASA’s Mars InSight Lander As It Tweets An Emotional Farewell

Mars InSight lander sends bittersweet goodbye selfie after 4 years of revealing the Red Planet's mysteries

NASA’s InSight lander has been declared dead after four years on Mars

NASA's Mars InSight lander ends mission after losing power

NASA's InSight lander on Mars goes silent as power runs low

This may be the last Mars photo from NASA's InSight lander before it dies on the Red Planet

On December 19th, 2022, NASA lost contact with the InSight Lander, and it’s assumed InSight may have reached its end of operations.

This May Be NASA Insight Lander's Final Image From Mars

NASA's InSight lander just recorded its biggest quake on Mars ever

Saying goodbye to NASA's InSight lander before it's buried in Martian dust

The End Is Nigh: NASA Prepares To Say “Farewell” to History-Making Mars InSight Lander

NASA's InSight lander detects stunning meteoroid impact on Mars

NASA’s InSight Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Mars - the meteoroid excavated boulder-size chunks of ice buried closer to the Martian equator than ever found before

Still Alive! NASA’s InSight Lander Waits Out Martian Dust Storm

Continent-Size Dust Storm on Mars Threatens to Shorten NASA InSight Lander's Last Days

Massive Mars dust storm threatens NASA's InSight lander