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Have you ever wondered how insects like mosquitoes and dragonflies can fly in the rain despite raindrops being much heavier than them? The secret lies in their unique body structures and the physics that help them survive.

Evidence of play-like interaction with carousel in insects

Life cycles of some insects adapt well to a changing climate: Others, not so much

Unlocking the secrets of tomato's defense mechanisms against insects - EurekAlert

Ants Hold Grudges: New Study Reveals Insects Learn From Negative Experiences

Even ants may hold grudges: A new study suggests the insects aren’t quick to forgive and forget

Insects wearing two hats solve botanical mystery

Insects wearing two hats solve botanical mystery - EurekAlert

Inside the 'swat team' -- how insects react to virtual reality gaming

Inside the ‘swat team’ – how insects react to virtual reality gaming - EurekAlert

Insects Played Pivotal Roles in the Evolution of Human Culture

A new life on Mars? Expect toxic dust, bad vibes and insects for lunch

These Insects Changed Their Entire Color Because of Humans

The Secret Electrostatic World of Insects

How insects can help catch rhino poachers

‘Art for insects’ could help save pollinators - EurekAlert

Miniature treadmills accelerate studies of insects walking

Miniature treadmills accelerate studies of insects walking - EurekAlert

NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative Member Co-Authors Award-Winning Paper in Insects

Nature’s Hidden Highway: Over 17 Million Insects Migrate Through a Single Mountain Pass Each Year