We may have solved the mystery of what froze Earth's inner core
Physicists Are Unraveling The Great Mystery of Earth's Inner Core
Something weird is happening to Earth’s inner core
The rotation of Earth's inner core is slowing down
USC study confirms the rotation of Earth’s inner core has slowed
Inner Core of Earth Began to Decrease Its Speed around 2010, Study Suggests
It's Official: The Rotation of Earth's Inner Core Really Is Slowing Down
The rotation of Earth's inner core has slowed, new study confirms
The rotation of Earth's inner core has slowed, new study confirms - EurekAlert
Earth's inner core is more like a ball of butter than a solid metal sphere, a new study suggests
Earth's Inner Core Isn't A Smooth Sphere After All: It's Textured
Quakes and blasts help scientists understand Earth’s elusive inner core
More evidence found showing the moon's inner core is solid, like Earth's
Readers ask about Earth’s inner core, plant movement and more
Earth’s inner core may be more complex than researchers thought
The Earth has an Even More Inner Core, and it's a Ball of Solid Metal
By measuring the different speeds at which seismic waves penetrate and pass through the Earth's inner core, researchers believe they've documented evidence of a distinct layer inside Earth known as the innermost inner core - a solid 'metallic ball' that sits within the centre of the inner core.
Earth’s Structure Has a Fifth Layer: Bouncing Seismic Waves Reveal Secrets of the Planet’s Inner Core