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If it moves, it's probably alive: Searching for life on other planets | Researchers at the Technical University in Berlin figured, instead of having a robot looking for microbes, it would be easier and cheaper to make microbes come to the robot. The only ingredient they were lacking: the right bait

Something Awesome Happens if You Use Banana Peel as an Ingredient

Secret “Persimmon” Ingredient Could Boost Ethanol Production

Something Really Awesome Happens When You Use Banana Peel as an Ingredient

Something Unexpectedly Cool Happens When You Use Banana Peel as an Ingredient

Slashing One Ingredient Would Save Countless Lives, Scientists Say

Wegovy and Ozempic ingredient linked to rare stomach paralysis cases

Table salt could be the secret ingredient for better chemical recycling

Toothpaste Ingredient Could Extend the Range of Electric Cars