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New synthetic biomarker technology differentiates between prior Zika and dengue infections - EurekAlert

Source of pregnancy complications from infections revealed by placenta map

Scientists Reveal Where Most 'Hospital' Infections Actually Come From

Infections from these bacteria are on the rise: New blood test cuts diagnosis time from months to hours

New AI smartphone tool accurately diagnoses ear infections

Severe 'flesh-eating' infections tied to heat waves in eastern US, CDC reports

Mussel-inspired antimicrobial coating protects sanitary fabrics from infections

Hydroxyurea significantly reduces infections in children with sickle cell anemia

New insights into what helps Salmonella cause infections

Chronic childhood ear infections delay language development

Fighting viruses with viruses? ‘Gene drive’ offers new strategy to beat infections

Infections from animals may cause 12 times more deaths by 2050 - study

The deep slumber of a hospital pathogen: Why infections with Acinetobacter baumannii can flare up again and again

Could a breakdown in the brain's networks allow infections to contribute to Alzheimer's disease?