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Federation of American Scientists recommends that the NIH create an Office of Infection-Associated Chronic Illness Research

Startling Discovery: COVID-19 Virus Can Stay in the Body More Than a Year After Infection

COVID-19 virus can stay in the body more than a year after infection, research finds

Discovery of ‘molecular machine’ brings new immune therapies a step closer. Yale scientists have discovered a family of immune proteins that could affect the way our bodies fight infection.

COVID-19 virus can stay in the body more than a year after infection

Nanofiber bandages fight infection, speed healing

Researchers pinpoint most likely source of HIV rebound infection

How does HIV get into the cell's cenetr to kickstart infection?

Beyond Infection Fighting: The Immune System’s Surprise Role in Creating Blood Stem Cells

Smartphone contact tracing promised to break COVID-19 transmission chains and supress levels of infection. In practice, however, most systems produced only limited benefits.

Inhaled COVID vaccines stop infection in its tracks in monkey trials

New At-Home STI Test Could Help Stop the Spread of Infection

Improving the diagnosis of infection: a prospective study clarifies the role of an innovative metagenomic tool

Infection with stomach bacteria may increase risk of Alzheimer's disease

Bacteria's mucus maneuvers: Study reveals how snot facilitates infection

Infection-resistant, 3D-printed metals developed for implants

Zombie Deer Disease: Everything To Know About Chronic Wasting Disease After Yellowstone Confirms First Infection

Novel C. diff structures are required for infection, offer new therapeutic targets

How tiny hinges bend the infection-spreading spikes of a coronavirus

Infection with common cat-borne parasite associated with frailty in older adults