
An infant or baby is the very young offspring of human beings.

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'Mathematically perfect' star system discovered 105 light-years from Earth may still be in its infancy. Could that change its prospects for life?

Limiting sugar in infancy reduces the risk of diabetes and hypertension

Study: Antibiotics in Infancy Linked to Increased Aggression

Shared reading starting in infancy promoted as a positive parenting practice with lifelong benefits

Air pollution exposure in infancy may limit economic mobility in adulthood

Astrophysical Forensics: Tracing Disintegrating Comets Back to the Sun’s Infancy 4.5 Billion Years Ago

Introducing peanut in infancy prevents peanut allergy into adolescence - EurekAlert

Stunting in infancy linked to differences in cognitive and brain function

Matching the sight and sound of speech — a face to a voice — in early infancy is foundation for later language development and can predict vocabulary and language outcomes.

Children exposed to indoor cats and dogs during foetal development and early infancy have fewer food allergies, according to a new study

Antibiotics given in infancy may have adverse impact on adult gut health

Pollution exposure in infancy alters gut microorganisms, may boost disease risk

What Earth’s mysterious infancy tells us about the origins of life

Changes in Brain’s Visual Processing Areas in Infancy Before Autism Diagnosis