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Near space symposium strengthens ties between university, industry and government - EurekAlert

Harnessing quantum technology for industry: C - EurekAlert

Military could be directed to protect industry's satellites, Pentagon says. The Defense Department's first commercial space integration strategy says the military will take steps to “mitigate risks to commercial space actors.”

Energy Dept. Awards $6 Billion to Cut Carbon from Industry

NASA, Industry Improve Lidars for Exploration, Science

Space Force mulls refueling as industry calls for funding, standards

Surviving Lava-Like Heat – Scientists Discover Hundreds of New Ceramics With Industry-Disrupting Properties

Fusing Academia and Industry: The Key to Unlocking Fusion Energy’s Potential

US industry disposed of at least 60m pounds of PFAS waste in last five years

Starch Breakthrough: Discovery Could Revolutionize Human Health and Industry

Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating - Document used to target top EU officials over environmental and health policies but climate experts view it as propaganda

Industry united in push to extend ban on human spaceflight regulations

NASA wants more 'space tug' ideas to deorbit the International Space Station in a fiery finale