Shift in India's Vulture Population Linked to Half a Million Human Deaths

Covid-19 hit women harder than men in India, unlike most of the world

Pandemic and Prejudice: How COVID-19 Worsened India’s Existing Inequalities

Loss of India’s vultures may have led to deaths of half a million people

COVID-19 pandemic tied to low birth weight for infants in India, study shows - EurekAlert

Watch India's reusable space plane prototype ace its final landing test (video)

Uncovering Adam’s Bridge: The Lost Land Link Between India and Sri Lanka

India's Aditya-L1 solar probe snaps shots of our hyperactive sun during May outburst (photos)

Entomologists Discover Metallic-Blue Colored Ant Species in India

Dazzling New Blue Ant Species Unearthed in India

Proto-Sarada writings: traces of daily life in ancient India - EurekAlert

India’s Next Government Will Face Serious Climate Challenges

Captivating blue-colored ant discovered in India's remote Siang Valley - EurekAlert

India launches nation's 1st 3D-printed rocket engine

Captivating blue-colored ant discovered in India's remote Siang Valley

Only the US, China, and Russia/USSR have launched astronauts to orbit. But India is now close to joining this exclusive group of spacefaring nations. In February India unveiled their first Gaganyaan mission astronauts, now slated to launch on an Indian capsule from an Indian rocket in 2025.

India's ambitious 2nd Mars mission to include a rover, helicopter, sky crane and a supersonic parachute

India's space agency has been carefully watching our sun's solar tantrums

India makes breakthrough by test-firing new 3D-printed rocket engine (photo)

India plans Chandrayaan-4 moon sample return, will involve private sector