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Prenatal Cannabis Use Linked to Increased Risk of ADHD, Autism and Intellectual Disability in Children

Found in Plastic, Cosmetics, and More: New Study Links Everyday Chemicals to Increased Risk of Cancer

PFAS in blood are ubiquitous -- and they are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases

Children with 'lazy eye' are at increased risk of serious disease in adulthood

Study: OCD Linked to Increased Risk of Death

Hearing Loss Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

Exposure to even moderate levels of radon linked to increased risk of stroke

Severe covid-19 infections linked to increased risk of schizophrenia

Increased risk of heart rhythm disruption after COVID-19

Children born moderately early are at an increased risk of developmental disorders

New Research Links Smoking to Greatly Increased Risk of Mental Illness

New Research: Higher Education Linked to Increased Risk of Depression and Anxiety

New study: Analysis of 150k suicides showed that among males of all ages and young and middle-aged females, alcohol intoxication was associated with increased risk of suicide by firearm – an extremely lethal method that accounts for a majority of suicides in the US.

Warning: Cannabis Use During Pregnancy Linked to Increased Risk of Adverse Birth Outcomes

Multinational study confirms association between CT scans in young people and increased risk of cancer

Adults with ADHD are at increased risk for developing dementia

High Levels of “Good” Cholesterol Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

New Research Reveals That People Who Play This Sport Have a 240% Increased Risk of Skin Cancer

Risky Business: Exposure to Air Pollution Linked to Increased Risk of Stroke Within 5 Days

High Risk: Cannabis Use Disorder’s Link to Increased Risk of Heart Attacks and Cardiovascular Disease