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The importance of eco-friendly sensors in global food supply

PolyU research underscores the importance of interdisciplinary services in pediatric palliative care - EurekAlert

Lifesaver for wild bees: The importance of quarries

“We need everyone”: New award recognizes the importance of scientific community - EurekAlert

New study emphasizes the importance of arts and humanities in neurology training

Japanese study reveals the importance of new overtime restrictions on physician’s mental health - EurekAlert

On the importance of a bowl of water for Two - EurekAlert

Activity in brain system that controls eye movements highlights importance of spatial thinking

Genetic study highlights importance of diversity in understanding health disparities

Understanding quantum states: New FAMU-FSU research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits - EurekAlert

Understanding quantum states: New research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits

The importance of the paradise fish in evolutionary and behavioural genetics research - EurekAlert

The importance of a disturbed lipid metabolism in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease - EurekAlert

The importance of integrated therapies on cancer: Silibinin, an old and new molecule - EurekAlert

Lung cancer study offers further evidence on importance of screening

The Sordid History of U.S. Food Safety Highlights the Importance of Regulation

Happy National Astronaut Day 2024! Holiday's founder talks importance of honoring America's spaceflyers (exclusive)

From NASA’s First Astronaut Class to Artemis II: The Importance of Military Jet Pilot Experience

Even cells know the importance of recycling

Small but mighty -- study highlights the abundance and importance of the ocean's tiniest inhabitants