Study pinpoints the impact of prenatal stress across 27 weeks of pregnancy
Biochemist’s impact on science and students honored - EurekAlert
A study in mice found that chronic stress overrides satiety signals, leading to overeating and a stronger preference for high-fat, sugary foods. More research is needed to understand its impact on humans.
Psilocybin's impact on mental wellbeing varies by race, study finds
Impact of COVID-19 on education not going away, UM study finds - EurekAlert
Wildlife Haven Spared Impact as World's Largest Iceberg Grinds to a Halt
New research shows impact of anxiety and apathy on decision-making
Research provides new detail on the impact of volcanic activity on early marine life - EurekAlert
Research provides new detail on the impact of volcanic activity on early marine life
Chung-Ang University uncovers porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus’s impact on swine immunity - EurekAlert
We can farm more seafood while minimizing its impact on biodiversity
Asteroid 2024 YR4 - Chance of Earth impact in 2032 now increased to 1 in 38
What We Know about 2024 YR4, the Asteroid with a 2 Percent Chance of Impact with Earth
The impact of liver graft preservation method on longitudinal gut microbiome changes following liver transplant - EurekAlert
Fear of breast cancer recurrence: Impact and coping with being in a dark place
Impact-Generated Marsquakes Can Reach Deeper into Red Planet than Previously Known
New study assesses impact of agricultural research investments on biodiversity, land use - EurekAlert
New study assesses impact of agricultural research investments on biodiversity, land use
Largest Study Ever Done on Cannabis and Brain Function Finds Impact on Working Memory
Largest study ever done on cannabis and brain function finds impact on working memory - EurekAlert