Immune System

The immune system is a network of biological processes that protects an organism from diseases.

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Brain-heart axis: Strokes change epigenetics of immune system

Study identifies protein that helps COVID-19 virus evade immune system - EurekAlert

Immune system in the spotlight

COVID-19 leads to long-term changes in the immune system, study shows

Immune System Reprogramming: Small Molecule Discovery Opens a New Approach to Fighting Disease

Respiratory bacteria 'turn off' immune system to survive

Respiratory bacteria ‘turns off’ immune system to survive - EurekAlert

The Invisible Hijackers: How Respiratory Bacteria Sabotage Our Immune System

Recent study unveils the havoc that space can wreak on the human body, including impacts on blood, cells, and the immune system

Bowel cancer turns genetic switches on and off to outwit the immune system

New therapy strengthens the immune system's counterattack on skin cancer - EurekAlert

Supercharging the Immune System: UCLA’s Pioneering Vaccine Shows Promise Against Deadly Brain Cancer

Overturning Traditional Beliefs – Cambridge Scientists Have Discovered “New Rules of the Immune System”

Fasting Boosts Immune System's Attack on Cancer, Mouse Study Finds

Discovery of ‘new rules of the immune system’ could improve treatment of inflammatory diseases, say scientists.

Discovery of 'new rules of the immune system' could improve treatment of inflammatory diseases, say scientists

Discovery of 'new rules of the immune system' could improve treatment of inflammatory diseases, say scientists. - EurekAlert

Fasting primes the immune system's natural killer cells to better fight cancer, new study in mice finds

Fasting primes the immune system’s natural ki - EurekAlert

How the immune system goes awry during space travel and the implications for human aging on earth