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Dark Energy May Be an Illusion: Scientists Uncover a “Lumpy” Universe

Is flavor really just an illusion? « Food can be so much more than salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and umami. It comes down to a series of tricks your brain plays on you. »

Is Time an Illusion? How Logic Challenges Our Understanding of Reality

Time may be an illusion created by quantum entanglement

Real-life 'Star Trek' planet was actually just an illusion caused by a 'jittery' star

Tricking the Brain's inner GPS: Grid cells responses to the illusion of self-location - EurekAlert

Illusion helps demystify the way vision works

The boiling surface of giant star Betelgeuse may be creating an illusion

Unmasking the Illusion: AI-Generated Faces Challenge Perceptions

Scientists Destroy Illusion That Coin Toss Flips Are 50–50

The Illusion of Understanding: MIT Unmasks the Myth of AI’s Formal Specifications

The Illusion of Health: New Study Reveals That One Third of Normal-Weight Individuals Are Obese