New study suggests that dark energy is an illusion. A new study argues that we've got it all wrong. The authors argue that dark energy doesn't exist.
New Study of Supernovae Data Suggests That Dark Energy is an Illusion
Dark Energy May Be an Illusion: Scientists Uncover a “Lumpy” Universe
New Study of Supernovae Data Suggests That Dark Energy is an Illusion
New Study of Supernovae Data Suggests That Dark Energy is an Illusion
Is flavor really just an illusion? « Food can be so much more than salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and umami. It comes down to a series of tricks your brain plays on you. »
Is Time an Illusion? How Logic Challenges Our Understanding of Reality
Time may be an illusion created by quantum entanglement
Real-life 'Star Trek' planet was actually just an illusion caused by a 'jittery' star
Tricking the Brain's inner GPS: Grid cells responses to the illusion of self-location - EurekAlert
Illusion helps demystify the way vision works
The boiling surface of giant star Betelgeuse may be creating an illusion
Unmasking the Illusion: AI-Generated Faces Challenge Perceptions
Scientists Destroy Illusion That Coin Toss Flips Are 50–50
The Illusion of Understanding: MIT Unmasks the Myth of AI’s Formal Specifications
The Illusion of Health: New Study Reveals That One Third of Normal-Weight Individuals Are Obese