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Adequate sleep significantly reduces the risk of hypertension in adolescents

Sugar Rationing Lowered Diabetes and Hypertension in British Children

Limiting sugar in infancy reduces the risk of diabetes and hypertension

Want to cut your dementia risk? Research shows that hypertension - something that half of Americans have - increases the risk of cognitive decline and dementia by 1.5 times. Preventing and managing high blood pressure reduces damage and inflammation in the brain.

These healthcare professionals may be secret weapon against hypertension, study says

Vigorous exercise may preserve cognition in high-risk patients with hypertension

Vigorous exercise may preserve cognition in high-risk patients with hypertension - EurekAlert

AI health coach lowers blood pressure and boosts engagement in patients with hypertension - EurekAlert

New Test and Remote Monitoring Improve Hypertension in Diabetic Kidney Disease

Diabetes and hypertension-associated deaths h - EurekAlert

Hypertension's hidden hand: Pressure-driven foam cell formation revealed as key driver of arterial disease

Salty immune cells surrounding the brain linked to hypertension-induced dementia

Study shows engineered gut bacteria can treat hypertension