
Humidity is the concentration of water vapor present in the air.

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Revolutionizing Indoor Comfort: Researchers Develop 3D-Printed Walls That Passively Fight Humidity and Climate Change

Humidity-insensitive iontronic sensor arrays based on non-hygroscopic ionogel for intra-articular pressure sensing - EurekAlert

Study finds humidity diminishes daytime cooling gains in urban green spaces

The underrated impact of humidity - EurekAlert

Does humidity make heat more deadly? Scientists are divided

Carbon Capture Breakthrough: Humidity-Powered Membrane Pumps CO2 out of the Air

New green technology harvests energy from raindrops and humidity

Temperature, humidity may drive future transmission of parasitic worm infections

In many major crop regions, workers plant and harvest in spiraling heat and humidity

New ‘storm-in-a-box’ device can make energy out of thin air. A team of engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a device that can harvest humidity in the air to create a clean electricity supply.

Humidity may increase heat risk in urban climates

“Killing Two Birds With One Stone” – Hydrophobic Molecular Sieve Developed for Humidity-Resistance Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor

New approach to harvesting aerial humidity with organic crystals

Humidity may be the key to super-lubricity 'switch'