human health

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Breaking down causes, consequences, and mediating effects of telomere length variation on human health (2024)

Cellphone compass can measure tiny concentrations of compounds important for human health

New study reveals the first signs that nanoplastics harm human health. Patients with microscopic plastics in their arteries multiply their risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and death by 4.5

‘Explosive growth’ in petrochemical production poses risks to human health

Unexpected Genetic Discovery Opens New Opportunities for Human Health

The Elixir of Aging: Unraveling the Metabolite Maze for Human Health and Longevity

California wildfires created toxic chromium, research finds — As climate change intensifies wildfires, scientists are trying to figure out just how dangerous their smoke can be for human health.

Starch Breakthrough: Discovery Could Revolutionize Human Health and Industry

Domesticating Animals Changed Human Health Forever – And Not For The Better