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Massive study of 3 million people reveals genetic 'hotspots' linked to bipolar disorder

Climate Scientists Can't Explain These 'Hotspots' Appearing Around the World

Unexplained heat-wave 'hotspots' are popping up across the globe

Unexplained heat-wave ‘hotspots’ are popping up across the globe - EurekAlert

Unexplained heat-wave 'hotspots' are popping up across the globe

Pentagon’s Latest UFO Report Identifies Hotspots for Sightings

Breakthrough Alzheimer's Drug Targets Key 'Hotspots' to Suppress Toxic Tangles

Study finds police misconduct ‘hotspots’ across Florida - EurekAlert

Microplastic “Hotspots” Identified in Long Island

Microplastic 'hotspots' identified in Long Island Sound

Microplastic ‘hotspots’ identified in Long Is - EurekAlert

AI Reveals Hotspots of Climate Denial

Ocean warming is accelerating, and hotspots reveal which areas are absorbing the most heat

Expanding Hotspots in US Are 'Too Hot For Safe Fan Use', Scientists Warn