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This Hot Jupiter Probably Formed Close to Its Star
Citizen scientists bring intriguing 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet into sharp focus
Astronomers Have Found a Star with a Hot Jupiter and a Cold Super Jupiter in Orbit
Hot Jupiter Rising: A Planet’s Remarkable Transformation
Astronomers spot a 'highly eccentric' planet on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter
Exoplanet with weird orbit is transforming into a hot Jupiter before our eyes
Webb Detects Hydrogen Sulfide in Atmosphere of Hot Jupiter
Extreme 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet stinks like rotten eggs and has raging glass storms
Webb Maps Weather on Hot Jupiter WASP-43b
Bizarre ‘Hot Jupiter’ Planets Keep Surprising Astronomers
This Hot Jupiter is Doomed to Crash Into its Star in Just Three Million Years
A Hot Jupiter With a Comet-Like Tail
A Tiny Telescope is Revealing “Hot Jupiter” Secrets
Tiny 14-inch satellite studies 'hot Jupiter' exoplanets evaporating into space