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Ice cream-inspired physics – Trinity team uncovers a quantum Mpemba effect, with a host of “cool” implications - EurekAlert

Astronomers detect black hole 'starving' its host galaxy to death

A scrappy little astronomical community is using "Microlensing," a form of gravitational lensing, to reveal Earth-sized worlds, hidden black holes, and a host of mysterious phenomena in space. Microlensing alignments are short-lived compared to larger lenses that endure far beyond human timescales.

Astronomers detect black hole ‘starving’ its host galaxy to death - EurekAlert

Inside Azerbaijan, Host of COP29

The Chilean tree that could help cure malaria (and a host of other diseases)

Phage-derived enzyme targets E. faecalis biofilms to mitigate acute graft-versus-host disease - EurekAlert

Phage-derived enzyme targets E. faecalis biofilms to mitigate acute graft-versus-host disease

Restored oyster sanctuaries host more marine life

Restored oyster sanctuaries host more marine life - EurekAlert

ORNL, BNL host international particle accelerator conference in Nashville - EurekAlert

Revealed: HIV's Trick For Invading The Nucleus of a Host's Cell

Shining a new light on the tug-of-war between virus and host

Scientists suspect there’s ice hiding on the Moon, and a host of missions from the US and beyond are searching for it

Scientists suspect there's ice hiding on the Moon, and a host of missions from the US and beyond are searching for it

Yucatán's underwater caves host diverse microbial communities