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New gene therapy for muscular dystrophy offers hope

New gene therapy for muscular dystrophy offers hope - EurekAlert

City of Hope and Mount Sinai scientists first - EurekAlert

Faced with an ecological crisis, public health emergencies and socioeconomic inequities, agroecology emerges as a transdisciplinary beacon of hope. Agroecology is gaining momentum as a way to improve healthy food access and affordability, according to a University of Michigan researcher.

City of Hope study suggests changing the gut microbiome improves health outcomes for people newly diagnosed with ... - EurekAlert

Chronic Pain Treatment May Offer Hope For Long COVID Sufferers

Trial offers hope for cheaper, more tolerable, ketamine treatment

Chilling discovery: Study reveals evolution of human cold and menthol sensing protein, offering hope for future non-addictive pain therapies

Can You Finally Throw Away Your CPAP Machine? Tirzepatide Offers Hope

Chilling discovery: Study reveals evolution of human cold and menthol sensing protein, offering hope for future non ... - EurekAlert

Lung-targeted CRISPR therapy offers hope for cystic fibrosis

Hope, despair and CRISPR — the race to save one woman’s life

Can Heart Damage Be Reversed? New Research Offers Hope

New City of Hope study shows liver surgery to remove cancer can now be a safe, outpatient procedure - EurekAlert

Climate crisis puts Australia's ski industry on slippery slope, but not all hope is lost

New insights into T and B cells offer hope for autoimmune disease sufferers

City of Hope awarded $5.4 million CIRM grant to create a stem cell laboratory and expand access to state-of-the-art ... - EurekAlert

The price of hope: CAR-T therapy in pediatric leukemia - EurekAlert

Rapid oyster reef restoration gives hope for repairing the sea

New device that emits magnetic field may offer hope for treating depression