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Rapid oyster reef restoration gives hope for repairing the sea

New device that emits magnetic field may offer hope for treating depression

Interaction of marijuana terpenes and cannabinoids offers 'hope' for 'novel' treatments, study says

Two seconds of hope for fusion power. A fusion reactor in San Diego surpasses a limit on plasma density.

DNA sequencing may give hope to critically ill adults in hospital

Research offers hope for preventing post-COVID 'brain fog' by targeting brain's blood vessels

Feeling apathetic? There may be hope

Cold water thrown on hope of life in ocean of Saturn's icy moon Titan

New study offers hope for thousands impacted each year by aggressive brain cancer

Gene-editing offers hope for people with hereditary disorder

Gene editing offers hope for people with hereditary disorder

New Alzheimer’s drugs bring hope. But not equally for all patients.

Confirmation of ancient lake on Mars offers hope that Perseverance rover's soil and rock samples hold traces of life

Gene therapies that let deaf children hear bring hope—and many questions

Shots of Hope: COVID-19 Vaccine Reduces Long COVID in Children

Vitamin discovered in rivers may offer hope for salmon suffering from thiamine deficiency disease

Newly discovered genetic mutation protects against Parkinson's disease and offers hope for new therapies

Brain cell discovery sparks hope for fertility treatments

New Alzheimer’s drugs bring hope of slowing disease for UK patients

Researchers have cracked the cellular code on protein folding, offering hope for new therapeutic avenues for many diseases