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Homo sapiens Were Living in African Wet Tropical Forests as Early as 150,000 Years Ago

Why it’s so hard to tell when Homo sapiens became a distinct species

1.4 million-year-old jaw that was 'a bit weird for Homo' turns out to be from never-before-seen human relative

1.5 million-year-old footprints reveal our Homo erectus ancestors lived with a 2nd proto-human species

Smallest arm bone in human fossil record sheds light on the dawn of Homo floresiensis

Homo sapiens and Neanderthals Interacted Over 200,000-Year Period, Study Reveals

When the First Homo sapiens Met Eagles: The Ancient Roots of Bonelli’s Eagle in the Mediterranean

The first homo sapiens facilitated the establ - EurekAlert

Homo sapiens facilitated establishment of Bonelli's eagle in the Mediterranean 50,000 years ago, study finds

A puzzling mix of artifacts raises questions about Homo sapiens’ travels to China

Homo sapiens Reached Northern Europe by 45,000 Years Ago, Scientists Say

Unearthing Europe’s First Homo sapiens 45,000 Years Later

Are Neanderthals and Homo sapiens the same species? | Live Science

Did Homo naledi bury its dead? Debate rages over human relative

20-Year Study Reveals: Neanderthals Were As Intelligent as Homo sapiens

Sebastian Faulks: ‘Homo sapiens is a very odd creature’