Holy Grail

The Holy Grail is a treasure that serves as an important motif in Arthurian literature. Various traditions describe the Holy Grail as a cup, dish, or stone with miraculous healing powers, sometimes providing eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance, often guarded in the custody of the Fisher King and located in the hidden Grail castle. By analogy, any elusive object or goal of great significance may be perceived as a "holy grail" by those seeking such. A "grail", wondrous but not unequivocally holy, first appears in Perceval, the Story of the Grail, an unfinished chivalric romance written by Chrétien de Troyes around 1190. Chrétien's story inspired many continuations, translators and interpreters in the later-12th and early-13th centuries, including Wolfram von Eschenbach, who perceived the Grail as a stone. The Christian, Celtic or possibly other origins of the Arthurian grail trope are uncertain and have been debated amongst literary scholars and historians.

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Can We Predict the Big One? Scientists Are One Step Closer to the “Holy Grail” of Predicting Earthquakes

This 'Holy Grail' Protein Repairs DNA And Could Lead to a Cancer Vaccine

Quantum Computing’s Holy Grail: Realizing Topologically Protected Qubits

Bowel disease breakthrough as researchers make ‘holy grail’ discovery | Digestive disorders

Two studies fail to replicate ‘holy grail’ DIANA fMRI method for detecting neural activity.

Colombia says it will try to recover treasures from 'holy grail of shipwrecks' worth billions

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‘The holy grail of mammals’: one man’s mission to learn the secrets of the giant armadillo

Dawn of Solid-State Quantum Networks – The Holy Grail of Quantum Information Sciences

Holy Grail of Energy Efficiency: Physicists Advance in Race for Room-Temperature Superconductivity

Found: The 'holy grail of catalysis' turning methane into methanol under ambient conditions using light

Scientists Discover “Holy Grail of Catalysis” – Converting Methane Into Methanol Using Light

Why Starship is indispensable for the future of SpaceX Starship is SpaceX’s largest reusable rocket. It can carry more than 100 metric tons of cargo and crew per launch. Company CEO Elon Musk says Starship represents the “holy grail” for space travel.

How Close Are We To The Holy Grail Of Room-Temperature Superconductors?

A Crystal Made Exclusively of Electrons – “Holy Grail” Wigner Crystals Observed for First Time

DARPA takes step toward 'holy grail of encryption'

“Holy Grail” – Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments Reverse Aging Process in First Clinical Trial