
The term Hispanic refers to people, cultures, or countries related to Spain, the Hispanidad, Spanish language, culture, or people. The term commonly applies to countries with a cultural and historical link to Spain, formerly part of the Spanish Empire following the Spanish colonization of the Americas, parts of the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. These are mainly countries of Hispanic America, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara. In these countries Spanish may or may not be the predominant or official language and the cultures are derived from Spain to different degrees, combined with the local pre-Hispanic culture or other foreign influences. Hispanic culture is a set of customs, traditions, beliefs, and art forms that are generally shared by peoples in Hispanic regions, but which can vary considerably from one country or territory to another. The Spanish language is the main cultural element shared by Hispanic peoples.

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UH researchers developing new Android app targeting Hispanic smokers - EurekAlert

First ever Hispanic thrifty food plan published - EurekAlert

NASA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2024

Astronauts Rubio and Berrios Speak During Hispanic Heritage Month

Black, Hispanic/Latine, and Native American f - EurekAlert

NASA Johnson Honors Hispanic Heritage: Meet Manuel Retana

Half-matched family donors offer best outcomes for Hispanic patients undergoing bone marrow transplants - EurekAlert

Exploring oncogenic driver molecular alterations in Hispanic/Latin American cancer patients - EurekAlert

New studies reveal underrepresentation of women and Hispanic population in the treatment of peripheral artery disease - EurekAlert

Effects of The Spanish Inquisition Can Still Be Seen in US Hispanic Healthcare

NASA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2023: Azlin Biaggi-Labiosa

NASA Glenn Employees Chosen as Outstanding Hispanic STEM Professionals

NASA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month: Patriot Construction Supports NASA Ames Research Center

NASA launches Spanish-language podcast 'Universo Curioso' for Hispanic Heritage Month

Faulty Oxygen Readings Delayed Covid Care for Black and Hispanic Patients: Study

Discrimination May Hasten Menopause in Black and Hispanic Women

A study tracking the lives of Chicagoans from childhood and adolescence in the 1990s to the start of middle age has found that 56% of Black and Hispanic residents from across the city witnessed at least one shooting by the time they turned forty

The story of Ellen Ochoa, the first Hispanic woman in space

Medication Treatment for Addiction Is Shorter for Black and Hispanic Patients, Study Finds