The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) is a cross-sectional, nationally representative survey of American adults sponsored by the National Cancer Institute.

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Prehistoric bone tool 'factory' hints at early development of abstract reasoning in human ancestors

Remarkable Fossil Discovery Hints at Antarctic Origins of All Modern Birds

Scientists find hints of the dark universe in 3D maps of the cosmos

Twisted crystals show hints of a new kind of superconductivity

Hints of volcanic moon around alien planet may be 1st-of-its-kind discovery (video)

CERN Confirms Ultra-Rare Particle Transformation, Hints at New Physics

Hints of a Hidden Structure Detected at The Edge of The Solar System

Signal Buried in Biggest Explosion Ever Seen Hints at Total Annihilation

Huge neutrino detector sees first hints of particles from exploding stars

Mysterious rock art in Venezuela hints at little-known ancient culture

‘Echidnapus’ hints at a lost age of egg-laying mammals

First hints of memory problems associated with changes in the brain

Physicists Detect Hints of a Mysterious Particle Called a 'Glueball'

From Ancient Charcoal, Hints of Wildfires to Come

Dark Energy Could Be Evolving Over Time, Raising Questions About the Nature of the Cosmos | The largest 3D map of the universe ever made hints that dark energy might not be a constant, though the findings must be backed up with more data

There are hints that dark energy may be getting weaker

The largest 3-D map of the universe reveals hints of dark energy’s secrets

James Webb Space Telescope spots hints of exomoons forming in infant star system

Astronomers Capture Dazzling New Image of the Black Hole at the Milky Way’s Center. The first image of the black hole taken in polarized light, the new view shows the supermassive structure’s magnetic fields and hints that it could be hiding an enormous jet.

New view of the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way hints at an exciting hidden feature (image)