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Firefighters may have a higher risk of genetic mutations linked to brain cancer

Men Who Skip Prostate Screenings Face a 45% Higher Risk of Death

Cannabis users face substantially higher risk of heart attack - EurekAlert

Cannabis users face substantially higher risk of heart attack

Newborns with heart defects may face a higher risk of developing childhood cancer - EurekAlert

Men Have Higher Risk of Parkinson's, And We May Finally Know Why

Not All Generics Are Created Equal: Study Exposes a 54% Higher Risk in Indian-Made Drugs

AI model can read ECGs to identify female patients at higher risk of heart disease

1 in 5 older adults get infections after heart surgery, and women have a 60% higher risk

Depression linked with higher risk of long-term physical health conditions - EurekAlert

Disordered eating and certain foods linked to higher risk for urinary incontinence in middle-aged women

Revealed: Women Face Much Higher Risk of Long COVID, But Why?

Mothers of twins face a higher risk of heart disease in the year after birth

Fatty muscles increase the risk of heart disease. Research shows that people with hidden fat in their muscles have a higher risk of death or hospitalization for heart attack or heart failure, regardless of their body mass index.

New Study Links Hearing Loss to 57% Higher Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Loneliness linked to higher risk of heart disease and stroke and susceptibility to infection

Ultraprocessed foods linked to higher risk of depressive symptoms, study finds

Having a sweet tooth is linked to higher risk of depression, diabetes, and stroke, study finds

Heart transplant patients from socioeconomically deprived areas face higher risk for postoperative complications, earlier death than others

Babies born after fertility treatment have higher risk of heart defects, study suggests