Hiawatha, also known as Ayenwathaaa or Aiionwatha, was a precolonial Native American leader and co-founder of the Iroquois Confederacy. He was a leader of the Onondaga people, the Mohawk people, or both. According to some accounts, he was born an Onondaga but adopted into the Mohawks. Although Hiawatha was a real man, he was mostly known for his legend. In the stories of Hiawatha, we learn that he was born in the Onondaga tribe. His mother was an Onondagan and loved her son. She believed he would be a strong and great hunter. Hiawatha soon became a husband, and became a father to many daughters. His wife and daughters were killed by an opposing enemy leaving Hiawatha grief-stricken. Hiawatha is noted for his speaking skills and message of peace.