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Heat-sensitive trees move uphill seeking climate change respite

Beat the Heat: How Self-Cooling Artificial Turf is Transforming Cities

Heat Combined with Hurricane Beryl to Cause Misery in Houston

Engineers have created a device that can efficiently convert heat into electrical voltage at temperatures lower than that of outer space. The innovation could help overcome a significant obstacle to the advancement of quantum computing technologies.

Cool roofs are best at beating cities' heat

A Global Heat Early Warning system is now essential, and requires planning in four key areas to overcome barriers and ... - EurekAlert

Electronics That Defy Venus’ Heat: How Gallium Nitride Could Revolutionize Space Exploration

Common plastics could passively cool and heat buildings with the seasons

Research shows how common plastics could passively cool and heat buildings with the seasons - EurekAlert

Heat and disease: The genetic tug-of-war in pepper immunity - EurekAlert

Three Ideas to Beat the Heat, and the People Who Made Them Happen

Heat Is Killing Thousands, and Big Events Have Not Adjusted

NYU Abu Dhabi researchers present new evidence for how heat is transported below the sun's surface - EurekAlert

Summer in the city: climate science reveals the impacts of heat - EurekAlert

Transformative thermotics: metamaterials that manipulate both heat and electricity - EurekAlert

How Heat Affects the Brain

A Chemical-Sniffing Van Shows How Heat Amps Up Pollution

Well Beyond the U.S., Heat and Climate Extremes Are Hitting Billions

Is Your Milk Safe? How Heat Battles the Infectious H5N1 Flu Virus

Lasting Impact: Heat and Cold Exposure in Childhood Linked to Surprising Brain Changes