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MIT Uncovers Photomolecular Effect: Light Can Vaporize Water Without Heat

Is climate change accelerating after a record year of heat?

How Some Common Medications Can Make People More Vulnerable to Heat

How light can vaporize water without the need for heat

How light can vaporize water without the need for heat

A new U.S. tool maps where heat will be dangerous for your health

Heat-Related ER Visits Rose in 2023, CDC Study Finds

A Japanese Village Wants Tourists to Come for Heat, Soot and Steel

Heat and Floods Are Increasingly Hitting Coastlines with a One-Two Punch

New window film drops temperature by 45 °F, slashes energy consumption | Assisted by quantum physics and machine learning, researchers have developed a transparent window coating that lets in visible light but blocks heat-producing UV and infrared.

Fans are not a magic bullet for beating the heat!

Heat flows the secret to order in prebiotic molecular kitchen

In Countries Facing Scorching Heat, Shade Trees and Cheap Cooling Strategies Gain Traction

Delta IV Heavy Launch Scrubbed: A Delayed Finale for a Rocket That Brings the Heat

Heat, cold extremes hold untapped potential for solar and wind energy

Macrophages produce heat from brown adipose tissue in response to cold

Breathe, don't vent: Turning down the heat is key to managing anger

A new meta-analysis of 154 studies involving 10,000+ participants shows that what really works to reduce anger is lowering physiological arousal–turning down the heat with breathing, yoga, etc. Increasing arousal overall had no effect on anger & some activities made it worse – particularly jogging.

NASA Helps Emerging Space Companies ‘Take the Heat’

Humanity Is Dangerously Pushing Its Ability to Tolerate Heat