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From green energy to rivers, environment at heart of nine plans in king’s speech

How the 'heart and lungs' of a galaxy extend its life

How the 'heart and lungs' of a galaxy extend its life - EurekAlert

New Research: Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Are Better for Your Heart Than Normal Meat

'Immortal stars' could feast on dark matter in the Milky Way’s heart

Hubble Examines an Active Galaxy Near the Lion’s Heart

A heart of stone: Study defines the process of and defenses against cardiac valve calcification

A heart of stone: Study defines the process of and defenses against cardiac valve calcification - EurekAlert

What a Study on Ultraprocessed Fake Meat and Heart Disease Really Found

Mapping the heart to prevent damage caused by a heart attack - EurekAlert

The JWST Peers into the Heart of Star Formation

At the heart of this distant galaxy lies not 1, but 2 jet-blasting black holes

Study on architecture of heart offers new understanding of human evolution

Study on architecture of heart offers new understanding of human evolution - EurekAlert

Study on architecture of heart offers new understanding of human evolution

Novel radiotracer produces high quality images of 'Alzheimer's disease of the heart'

Novel radiotracer produces high quality images of “Alzheimer's disease of the heart” - EurekAlert

Cutting-edge imaging unravels sex-specific structural variations in the heart - EurekAlert

Transfer RNAs at the heart of therapeutic resistance

Transfer RNAs at the heart of therapeutic resistance - EurekAlert