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Stressed? Your Brain Might Be Playing Tricks on Your Hearing
Neuroscientists Reveal How Stress Rewires the Brain’s Hearing
How Hearing and Vision Loss Increase the Risk of Dementia
‘Hearing’ Temperature: Uncovering a hidden human ability to perceive temperature through sound - EurekAlert
‘Superpowered’ bats keep their hearing as they age
Researchers uncover brain region’s role in hearing and learning - EurekAlert
Researchers uncover brain region's role in hearing and learning
New Gene Therapy Trial Shows Restored Hearing and Speech in Children Born Deaf, Treated in Both Ears
New Gene therapy trial shows restored hearing and speech in children born deaf, treated in both ears
Hearing is be-leafing: students invent quieter leaf blower - EurekAlert
New Jurassic Fossils Reveal That Our Hearing Evolved From Reptilian Jawbones
Mouse Study Finally Explains How Loud Noises Damage Our Hearing
New Trials Aim to Restore Hearing in Deaf Children—With Gene Therapy
Can Headphones Cause Tinnitus? Comprehensive Insights and Safeguarding Your Hearing