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Jaw-dropping northern lights from massive solar flares amaze skywatchers around the world. 'We have a very rare event on our hands.' (photos)

Time flies, but your hands tell: Haut.AI cracks the age code with HandAge hand analysis - EurekAlert

Working With Your Hands Is Good for Your Brain

Your nationality may influence how much you talk with your hands

A Painter, Who Lost Both Hands in a 2020 Train Accident, Has Successfully Regained His Hands Through Delhi's Inaugural Bilateral Hand Transplant Procedure at Ganga Ram Hospital

DNA becomes our 'hands' to construct advanced nanoparticle materials

How astronaut Thomas Pesquet captured the planet in 'The Earth in Our Hands'

Nobel Laureates Explain Their Winning Science By Drawing It On Their Hands

Grasping entropy: Teachers and students investigate thermodynamics through a hands-on model