“It Feels Like I’m Moving My Own Hand” – Science Fiction Comes to Life With Magnetic Prosthetic Hands
“It feels like I'm moving my own hand”. A res - EurekAlert
“It feels like I'm moving my own hand”. A res - EurekAlert
Why children can't pay attention to the task at hand
This 3-D printer can fit in the palm of your hand
Baby baboon brain anatomy predicts which hand they will use to communicate
Baby baboon brain anatomy predicts which hand they will use to communicate - EurekAlert
The Inside Story of the First Untethered Spacewalk. On February 7, 1984, astronaut Bruce McCandless ventured out into space and away from shuttle Challenger using only a nitrogen-propelled, hand-controlled backpack.
A Nebula that Extends its Hand into Space
'God's Hand' interstellar cloud reaches for the stars in new Dark Energy Camera image (video)
This Astrophysicist Makes Stellar Nurseries That Fit in the Palm of Your Hand
Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning
Hand-held biosensor makes breast cancer screening fast, affordable, and accurate
Even Early Galaxies Grew Hand-in-Hand With Their Supermassive Black Holes
Writing by hand may increase brain connectivity more than typing on a keyboard
Experience April's total solar eclipse from the palm of your hand with the 'Totality' app from Big Kid Science
From Medical Marvel to Cosmic Mystery: X-Ray Telescopes and the Magnetic ‘Hand’ In Space
China's Shenzhou 16 astronauts hand over Tiangong space station to new crew (video)
Even treated wood prevents bacterial transmission by hand