Last chance to record archaic Greek language 'heading for extinction'

Three new moons have been discovered around Uranus and Neptune; to be named after Shakespearean characters and Greek goddesses

A 13-year-old built a 'death ray' using a 2,000-year-old concept from Greek inventor Archimedes

In a study of Greek-speaking participants, the strongest predictor of failure to attract mates was poor flirting ability: One unit increase in flirting capacity was associated with a more than three times increase in the probability to be in an intimate relationship than involuntarily single.

Did dementia exist in ancient Greek and Rome?

Hearing the Past: Psychoacoustics Unlocks Ancient Greek Sanctuary’s Secrets

Cracking the Code of Linear B: How we learned to read the ancient greek of Knossos and Pylos

Inspired by Greek mythology, this potential drug shows promise for vanquishing Parkinson's RNA in early studies

‘The Moon Is A Trick’: AI Flings Greek Mythology All-Stars Into Space

What caused the volcanic tsunami that devastated a Greek island 373 years ago? Kolumbo underwater volcano's 1650 eruption killed 70 people on Santorini Island, Greece.

Unique Byzantine Psalm inscription in New Testament Greek discovered in Judean Desert

Bird’s Eye Burn Scars: Scorched Devastation on the Greek Island of Rhodes

Because it is so close to the Sun, Mercury is only observable in the early morning just before sunrise, or at dusk. Ancient Greek astronomers once believed Mercury was actually two separate objects

Arch-Conspirator review: Ancient Greek tragedy spun into sci-fi gold

Greek bathhouse found in ancient Egyptian town by Red Sea

Greek volcano mystery: Archaeologist narrows on date of Thera eruption

DNA analysis shows Griffin Warrior ruled his Greek homeland

Analysis of everyday tools challenges long-held ideas about what drove major changes in ancient Greek society

Floors in ancient Greek luxury villa were laid with recycled glass

2,100-Year-Old Skeleton of Greek Woman Found Lying on Bronze 'Mermaid Bed'