Great White Sharks

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), also known as the white shark, white pointer, or simply great white, is a species of large mackerel shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans.

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Great White Sharks Washing Up Dead in Canada With Brain Swelling

Great White Sharks Washing Up Dead in Canada With Brain Swelling

Great White Sharks Scared From Their Habitat by Just 2 Predators

Marine Mystery: Why Are Great White Sharks Disappearing in South Africa?

Orcas Scared Off Great White Sharks in South Africa – Now We Know Where They Went

Great White Sharks Are Showing Off Their Social Side

Great White Sharks Are Surging off Cape Cod

Great white sharks have almost no interest in eating humans, study confirms

Great white sharks more common off California coast than previously thought, study says

Great White Sharks Are Being Scared From Their Habitat by Just 2 Predators

A Scarier Predator: Great White Sharks Have Been Fearfully Avoiding Their Normal Gathering Place

It’s Official: Great White Sharks Are Scared Of South African Orcas

Great White Sharks Are Being Scared From Their Habitat by Just Two Predators

Two orcas named Port and Starboard have slaughtered at least eight great white sharks near the Gansbaai coast since 2015. Shark carcasses have been found with their bodies torn open and their livers ripped out. This behaviour could be a result of declining prey populations.

Great White Sharks Flee From Orca Attacks

The pair of Orcas deterring Great White Sharks

Great white sharks may have driven megalodon to extinction

Great White Sharks May Have Played Role in Megalodon Extinction

Great white sharks may have helped drive megalodons to extinction

Great white sharks may have contributed to megalodon extinction