Great Apes

La Planète des singes, known in English as Planet of the Apes in the US and Monkey Planet in the UK, is a 1963 science fiction novel by French author Pierre Boulle.

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The Whole Story of How Humans Evolved From Great Apes

Great apes may have cognitive foundations for language

Great apes visually track subject-object relationships like humans do - EurekAlert

Great apes visually track subject-object relationships like humans do, study finds

Great Apes and Tiny Bears: Chasing Wild Thrills in Borneo

Surprising Evolutionary Insights Revealed by First Complete Chromosome Sequences From Great Apes

Great apes threatened by mining for electric vehicle batteries

Great apes tease each other just like humans do, says new study

Great apes playfully tease each other

Great apes like teasing each other - which may be the origin of humour

‘Tag!’ Other great apes share our affinity for playful teasing

Children Anticipate What Others Want, But Great Apes Don't

Florida Brewery Making Three Custom Beers To Celebrate Great Apes

Some animals take care of others in need even if they are not related: Great apes, elephants and dolphins stand out for their altruistic, selfless behaviors

Great apes engage in rope spinning during solitary play, reaching momentary altered mental states — akin to dizziness in people spinning around, at play or at prayer

Great Apes Spin Themselves to Deliberately Make Themselves Dizzy, Scientists Say

Humans Can Understand Gestures Made By Great Apes, Study Finds

Living in trees may have given great apes vocal skills for consonants

Scientists study tourists to protect great apes

Great Apes' Biggest Threat Is Human Activity, Not Habitat Loss