
The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water: if its API gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water; if less than 10, it is heavier and sinks.

Read more in the app

NASA’s Genius Plan to Use Gravity to Reach the Moon

Meet TEGO: The Tetrahedral Observatory That Could Change Our Understanding of Gravity

There’s More Than Just Gravity at Work in the Solar System

Fire Meets Zero Gravity As NASA Preps for Major Spacewalks

Defying Gravity

Did Earth’s Gravity Give the Moon a Volcanic Makeover?

Gravity’s Giants: Neutron Star Mountains Create Ripples in Space-Time

Black hole images deliver a deathblow to alternative theory of gravity

Einstein Predicted How Gravity Should Work at the Largest Scales. And He Was Right

Research on gravity in line with Einstein's theory of general relativity

New DESI results weigh in on gravity - EurekAlert

'Mind-blowing' dark energy instrument results show Einstein was right about gravity — again

Einstein’s gravity endures despite a dark energy puzzle

Astronomers discover two galaxies aligned in a way where their gravity acts as a compound lens

New research finds that gravity can exist without mass

Laser Precision Unlocks Secrets of Earth’s Gravity and Space Junk

Buzz Aldrin Picks Trump: A Presidential Endorsement With Gravity

Gravity may explain why Neanderthals failed to adopt advanced weaponry

This test could reveal whether gravity is subject to quantum weirdness

Gravity-Powered Innovation Transforms Renewable Energy: Solar Panels That Cool and Water Themselves