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Aston University researcher receives £1 million grant to revolutionize miniature optical devices - EurekAlert

Wayne State researcher receives grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to explore new causes of MS - EurekAlert

$2.7 million grant to explore hypoxia’s impac - EurekAlert

The Lundquist Institute receives $2.6 million grant from U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity to develop ... - EurekAlert

UT School of Natural Resources team receives grant to remove 'forever chemicals' from water - EurekAlert

FAU receives grant to examine role of pet dogs on military adolescents - EurekAlert

Researchers earn $2.3 million grant to study generational cycle of maternal obesity, liver disease - EurekAlert

NIH awards $1.9 million grant to University of Oklahoma for gene therapy research - EurekAlert

USDA-grant supported FRST Project releases new fertilizer prediction tool - EurekAlert

FAU lands $1.3 million grant to 'clean up' stinky seaweed in Florida - EurekAlert

Oregon State University receives grant to launch collaborative wildfire resilience research